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We will show you how to approve an uploaded payroll using the Line Manager Portal.

To begin, use your credentials to login to your People-i account. Select Line Manager Portal. From the main dashboard appearing on your screen go to the Comp & Ben tab and click on Payroll Approval.

From the filters appearing on the top right corner of the screen, select the month and year for which you wish to view the payroll for and click on search. If you would like to see all previously uploaded payrolls, choose the “Not Set” option in the “Month” and “Year” drop-downs.

Please note that as a line manager, you will be able to see the payrolls for those departments that report to you. Depending on your organizational structure, a department may also represent a distributor or vendor.

From the list appearing on your screen, click on any month to view the payroll details of your department for that month. Upon clicking you will be able to see the trial balance for that respective month, with the details of total Earnings and Deductions of your department.

By clicking on the “Payroll Detail” button on the top right of the screen you will be able to see the employee-wise payroll of that department for the selected month. Scroll to the right to see the various headers that make up that employee’s salary. You can also download this report in excel format by clicking on the “download XLS” button on top right corner of the table. If you have reviewed the employee-wise salaries to your satisfaction, click on the “Back” button on the top-left corner of the screen to return to the trial balance, where you can give your comments or approval on the payroll.

If you wish to approve the payroll for that month, enter your comments in the comment box and click on Approved. If there are any errors, enter your comments in the comment box and click on Resubmit. The payroll will be sent back to the uploader along with your comments so that they can rectify and re-upload it. If you go back to the Payroll Approval screen, you will be able to see that the status of the payroll is now updated to either Approved or Resubmit. If you have sent it for resubmission, the status will be changed to “Resubmit” until the uploader rectifies and uploads the payroll again. In which case the status will be changed to “Pending” again.

Once the line manager has approved the payroll for his department, it is sent to the HR for final approval.

We will show you how to approve an uploaded payroll using the HR Portal.

To approve an uploaded payroll from your HR Portal, use your credentials to login to your People-i account. Select HR Portal. From the main dashboard appearing on your screen, go to the Comp & Ben tab. Then click on Payroll Approval.

From the filters appearing on the top right corner of the trial balance report, select the department, month and year for which you wish to view the payroll for and click on search. If you would like to see all previously uploaded payrolls, choose the “Not Set” option in the “Department,” “Month” and “Year” drop-downs. As HR Portal user, you have access to the payrolls of all the departments in your company. Based on your organizational structure, a department can represent a distributor, vendor or another similar entity.

The payrolls shown in the list are sorted department-wise and month-wise. Select the department and month for which you want to approve the payroll.

Upon clicking you will be able to see the trial balance for the specific month of that respective department, with the details of total earning and deductions of your department. At the bottom of the screen, you will also be able to see the comments that various users have added against that payroll along with the date on which they have been added.

By clicking on the “Payroll Detail” button on the top right of the screen you will be able to see the employee-wise payroll of that department for the selected month. Scroll to the right to see the various headers that make up that employee’s salary. You can also download this report in excel format by clicking on the “download XLS” button on top right corner of the table. If you have reviewed the employee-wise salaries to your satisfaction, click on the “Back” button on the top-left corner of the screen to return to the trial balance, where you can give your comments or approval on the payroll.

If you wish to approve the payroll for that month, enter your comments in the comment box and click on Approved. If there are any errors, enter your comments in the comment box and click on Resubmit. The payroll will be sent back to the uploader along with your comments so that they can rectify and re-upload it. If you go back to the Payroll Approval screen, you will be able to see that the status of the payroll is now updated to either Approved or Resubmit. If you have sent it for resubmission, the status will be “Resubmit” until the uploader rectifies and uploads the payroll again. In which case the status will be changed to “Pending” again.

Besides this, by clicking on the “Status” field on the list screen, you can see the “Approval Queue” – meaning a list of various stakeholders who are required to take action on this payroll along with their approval status.

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