Send Notification screen
This screen is used to identify the employees the notification needs to be sent to and generate a notification.
- In the Recipient Criteria section we can identify which group of employees will be receiving this notification. This can be done for a specific company, location, department, designation or band. Simply select the relevant option and the following filter’s values will be populated based on the previous selection. If for any filter you would like to select All options, simply leave that dropdown empty. For example if you want to send the notification to employees in all departments, choose the relevant locations and then leave the department filter empty.
- In the first field of the Notification Settings section, you will see that there are three categories for the medium that you want to use to send a notification to your employees. The notification that you generate from here can be sent to your employees in the form of an email, a text on their mobiles or a notification on their portal. From the options shown, select one or more by clicking on the check box next to it. You can select all options at once to send the notification through all three mediums.
- Next is the Notification Type field. If you want the message to be targeted towards a specific group of employees, then select Multi-cast. If you want the notification to be sent to all employees in the organization, select Broadcast.
- Next is the Notifications Date and Time field. From here you will need to firstly chose if you would like to send this notification immediately, if that is the case then select the option Now and move to the next field. If you would like to set a different date that the notification needs to go out, click on the Schedule on Date option and this notification will be sent at a standard-set time, which is 12 am, on that day.
- After you click on this option, select from the calendar of the Date field under and the date for that notification will be set. If you would like to set a separate date and time for the notification to go out, click on the Schedule on Date and Time option and the time field under will be enabled. After selecting this option, select from the calendar from the date field under and then identify the time of sending the notification from the Time field by clicking on the clock symbol and selecting from the clock that appears on your screen.
The next is the Notification Message section; here you will see that there are two text boxes.
- The first test box is where you will enter the subject of the notification that you are sending out.
- In the second text box enter the main text of the notification.
The Notification Settings section at the bottom of the screen will show you the total count of the target receivers. These are individuals that we selected in the Receiver Filter Criteria section. If you would like to remove an employee from receiving this notification you can click on the View and Edit option next to the count and edit the list that shows by unchecking the boxes before each employee’s name and details. You will see that the Target Receivers Count has changed. After this, click on submit and notification will be sent or scheduled.