We will show you how to configure codes for employees using the Employee Code Configuration feature of the HR Services Module
Login to the People-i software and enter the HR Portal. From your main dashboard, go to the Org and Employee tab, click on Company setup, and from the options shown below select Emp Code Setup.
This is the Employee Code Configuration Screen. Here, on the top-right corner of the screen, you will see a button titled Employee Code Setup. Click on the button to enter the Employee Code Configuration Screen.
Before you upload the data onto the software, you will first have to identify the format to be followed for all employee codes generated by the system. Be sure to check whether this has already been done for you by People. If not, click the details entered here to define the format. Again, the format entered in this screen will be followed by the system any time a new code is auto-generated when an employee is added to the system.
Start by entering the company code which can be any figure according to your preference; these will form the first few digits of the employee code.
Identify the total number of digits of the code by clicking on Employee Code Length and selecting any number from the drop-down menu. If you want all file-generated employee codes to start from a specific number, or combination of numbers, the Employee Code Start From is where you will indicate the starting number for your employee code.
The Existing Code List is where you upload a file containing employee codes that have been already allocated to existing employees. The software registers these codes to make sure that a unique number is generated for each employee and the codes that already exist for other employees are not repeated.
Once you have entered these details, click on save and head back to the main organization structure screen.
After this you can use the Upload Org Data button located next to the Employee Code Button on the top right corner, to create or edit employee profiles in bulk. This is where the format that you defined in the Employee Configuration Screen will be used to generate employee codes.
We will show you how to use the “LM Hierarchy Setup” feature to identify Line Managers in each department as well as set their hierarchy for requests and approvals. We will then use the Employee Profile to further allocate these Line Managers to an employee.
Use your credentials to login to your People- i account.
Then click on HR Portal.
From the main dashboard appearing on your screen, go to the Org & Employee tab.
Click on the Access/Role Management tab.
Then click on “LM Hierarchy Setup”.
In order to assign a Line Manager to a department, we must first select the department we want to assign the Line Manager to. To begin, click on the “Job Group” tab, upon clicking a drop down menu will appear. This menu displays all the Job Groups you have created for your organization. Choose the Job Group containing the department for which you want to assign a Parent Line Manager. Similarly, select the "Job Family" from the next tab on your screen.
Now, click on the "Department" tab, and a list of all departments falling under the selected Job Group and Job Family will be displayed. Choose the specific department to which you wish to assign the Line Manager.
If you are trying to assign an LM to a sub-department within the selected department, choose a sub-department from the drop-down list. However, if you are assigning a Line Manager to the whole department, this field can be left empty.
Moving on to the LM Email Field, click on it and a list of all the employees' official email ID's will appear in the drop down menu, you can search by typing the email ID in the field. Select the email of the employee that you would like to assign as the Line Manager for that department. Once he has been selected, the next two tabs named as LM People Code and LM Name will be auto-filled. One thing to note here is that a Line Manager can only be assigned to one department at a time. Therefore, if you select an email ID for a Line Manager who is already the Line Manager of another department, the system will give an error and not allow you to do so.
Therefore, you will have to move forward by providing the email of an employee that is not already the Line Manager of another department.
As we will be adding multiple Line Managers within a single department, the system needs to understand which Line Manager is the most senior. This is done using the “Parent Line Manager” field. If the selected Line Manager has no “Parent Line Manager,” he will be considered the most senior Line Manager in the department. In order to configure this, simply leave the “Parent Line Manager” field empty. The system will then identify the selected resource as the most senior LM in that department in terms of hierarchy.
However, if you do not wish for this user to be the most senior Line Manager in the department, use the “Parent Line Manager” field to select the Parent Line Manager for that employee. The “Parent Line Manager” field only shows the names of those employees who have already been added in the department as a Line Manager. Change the status to "Active" and click "Save" to complete the setup of the Line Manager hierarchy for the department.
In this way, you can add as many Line Managers as are required within a department as long as you make sure that one of the Line Managers is the most senior by ensuring that no “Parent Line Manager” has been allocated to him. For all other Line Managers, you will have to allocate a Parent Line Manager. This will be chosen from any of the Line Managers added in that department.
Following these steps, you can successfully add a Line Manager to any department or sub-department within your organization.
Additionally, under the Line Manager section on your screen, you can access a list of all departments and sub-departments, along with their respective Line Managers and Parent Line Managers, displayed along with their status (Active or Inactive) in the last column.
Furthermore, there's a filter option at the top of this section, allowing you to view departments with the status of "Active," "Inactive," or both.
You can also click on any Line Manager listed in this section to view their details. Clicking on it, the top section will generate specific details for that department, enabling you to edit information or change its status, such as marking it as "Inactive" to remove that Line Manager from that department.
To see how these Line Managers will further be allocated to individual employees, click on the Org & Employee Tab.
Then click on the Employee Profiles tab and go to the Profiles tab
Then select an employee and open his profile.
Now click on Edit Profile. Once the edit profile screen is open, go to the Employment Details tab.
Here, you can see 3 fields relevant to Line Managers. Department LM, External LM One, and External LM Two.
The way this works is that when an employee is allocated a department in their Employee Profile, the Department LM field shows a list of all the Line Managers that are available in that department. This list of Line Managers is populated based on the Line Managers we added previously in that department using the LM Hierarchy screen. Once you select a Line Manager from that list, he will be the Line Manager for that employee within that department and therefore his applications will now be routed to this Line Manager. If your approval queue is configured to require more than one approval of an application within a department, then after the selected Line Manager has approved the application, it will be routed to the user who was allocated as that Line Manager's Parent Line Manager. In order to understand how to set Approval Queue, see the Approval Queue Configuration tutorial.
If you would like to allocate any additional Line Managers to that Employee that are not in his department, you can use the External LM fields below. First select the country in which the desired Line Manager is stationed. Based on this, the External LM One field will be populated with a list of Line Managers of all departments other than that which the employee is allocated to. From here, you can select and allocate any Line Manager from any department to that employee. Similarly, you can add a second External Line Manager to that employee by selecting the reporting country and then selecting the desired Line Manager in the External LM Two field. Finally, click on the submit button at the bottom of the screen to save these changes.
You have now allocated Line Managers for your employee both within his department as well as outside of his department. Now, based on how many approvals are required for each application, the system will know which Line Managers to send the applications to. In order to understand how to set Approval Queue, see the Approval Queue Configuration tutorial.
Personal File Setup Screen
Before we move onto actually uploading the documents, we will go to the personal file setup. Here you canidentify exactly which documents can be uploaded for your employees, and categorize them. All the documents added against an employee are combined to make their personal file. Using this setup, you can create various types of personal files for different groups of employees, all containing a different set of documents. For instance, lets create a personal file setup for employees in the QA department.
- First, enter the title of the personal file, this is a free text field and you may name it according to your preferences.
- Next, use the filters to identify the group of employees to whom this personal file setup will be applied.
- Select the region department, band and designation.
- The last field allows you to identify whether these documents need to be submitted online or physically at the time of onboarding.
- Starting from the Personal Documents section, click on the Add Category Field and select the document that you would like to add in this section.
- If your desired document is not available in the drop-down options, click on the add button to add a new custom document.
- If you want any of these documents to show as compulsory, select the check box next to that option.
- You can subtract any of the selected categories by clicking on the minus sign next to it.
- Repeat the same steps for the Education Documents section
- Repeat the same steps for the Work Experience Documents section
- In theRecruitment Packdocuments subsection, you can upload fixed templates of various documents that you require your staff to download and fill at the time of onboarding. These can include your company's reference forms, statement of ethics and much more.
- The Original Documents subsection allows you to identify which original documents need to be submitted by your staff at the time of onboarding. These usually include documents such as work permits, driving licenses, passports and so on. You can even further identify whether these documents are to be only provided for review or submitted to the custody of HR. This will allow you to streamline your onboarding documentation process to the maximum extent.
- The Office Use Documents section labeled 'Documents for HR Use Only' allow you to identify various types of documents that can be uploaded against an employee but these can only be uploaded or viewed by HR.
- Once all of these fields are defined, click on the Save Personal File button and you will see an entry created under the Saved Personal Files Setups list at the bottom of this screen.
Employee Documents Screen
- Follow these steps to upload a document onto your employee portal.
- Click on the Document Type field and select the type of document you would like to upload first. From the options shown in the drop down menu, select any type of document and proceed to the next field.
- Select the title of the document from the drop down menu in the title field and select the date of submission from the next field.
- If you would like to enter the validity date of this particular document then click on the check box shown next to the date field and the 'Valid Till' field will be enabled. Enter the date that this document will be valid till in this field.
- The next is the Attachment field, here, click on the paperclip symbol and select relevant file of the document that you would like to upload.
- Once you have uploaded the document, click on “Add” and it will be added to the “Document List” shown below.
- In order to view any previously uploaded document, click on the document name and it will be shown to you in a pop-up. If the uploaded document is a PDF, it will ask you to download it to view it.
- Documents uploaded to your profile by HR will also be shown in the same list.
Physical Location Setup Screen
The Physical Location Setup screen will allow you to identify the various physical locations available in your organization where employee documents can be placed. These locations can later be tagged to each employee so that the software can maintain details of where these documents are kept.
- To start, select the filters on the top right corner of this section by clicking and selecting the country, state and city of the branch that this setup is being created for.
- Click on each of these fields and select from the options in the drop down menu, starting by identifying the branch and the building.
- In the next field, identify the floor number where a file can be placed. You can select an existing option from each drop-down or you can use the plus sign right next to add more options to this field.
- If the number of floor you need to select is missing, simply click on the plus sign and a smaller screen will open titled Add Floors. Here, enter the number of the floor that you want to add in the Floor field on top and click on the Add More option located right next to it.
- The 'minus' button can be used to remove any options as well. Once you add or subtract a number click on save and the screen will close taking you back to the floor field. If you click on this field, the drop down options will now show the floor number that you just added, select that number and that floor will be selected. You can do this for any field in this screen that has a plus sign located right next to it.
- Next field is the Box field you can add or subtract a box number following the same steps. To avoid mislabeling, make sure the box number you add and select is the same as the number on the actual box located on that floor.
- Move on to the next fields and repeat the same steps for the Cabinet, Drawer and Flap fields.
- Once you do this, click on save and a new entry for this setup will be shown in the Physical Location List section at the bottom of this screen.
- These locations will now be available when you are uploading documents for your employees so that you can tag where the physical file for each uploaded document is placed.
We will show you how to approve an uploaded payroll using the Line Manager Portal.
To begin, use your credentials to login to your People-i account. Select Line Manager Portal. From the main dashboard appearing on your screen go to the Comp & Ben tab and click on Payroll Approval.
From the filters appearing on the top right corner of the screen, select the month and year for which you wish to view the payroll for and click on search. If you would like to see all previously uploaded payrolls, choose the “Not Set” option in the “Month” and “Year” drop-downs.
Please note that as a line manager, you will be able to see the payrolls for those departments that report to you. Depending on your organizational structure, a department may also represent a distributor or vendor.
From the list appearing on your screen, click on any month to view the payroll details of your department for that month. Upon clicking you will be able to see the trial balance for that respective month, with the details of total Earnings and Deductions of your department.
By clicking on the “Payroll Detail” button on the top right of the screen you will be able to see the employee-wise payroll of that department for the selected month. Scroll to the right to see the various headers that make up that employee's salary. You can also download this report in excel format by clicking on the “download XLS” button on top right corner of the table. If you have reviewed the employee-wise salaries to your satisfaction, click on the “Back” button on the top-left corner of the screen to return to the trial balance, where you can give your comments or approval on the payroll.
If you wish to approve the payroll for that month, enter your comments in the comment box and click on Approved. If there are any errors, enter your comments in the comment box and click on Resubmit. The payroll will be sent back to the uploader along with your comments so that they can rectify and re-upload it. If you go back to the Payroll Approval screen, you will be able to see that the status of the payroll is now updated to either Approved or Resubmit. If you have sent it for resubmission, the status will be changed to “Resubmit” until the uploader rectifies and uploads the payroll again. In which case the status will be changed to “Pending” again.
Once the line manager has approved the payroll for his department, it is sent to the HR for final approval.
We will show you how to approve an uploaded payroll using the HR Portal.
To approve an uploaded payroll from your HR Portal, use your credentials to login to your People-i account. Select HR Portal. From the main dashboard appearing on your screen, go to the Comp & Ben tab. Then click on Payroll Approval.
From the filters appearing on the top right corner of the trial balance report, select the department, month and year for which you wish to view the payroll for and click on search. If you would like to see all previously uploaded payrolls, choose the “Not Set” option in the “Department,” “Month” and “Year” drop-downs. As HR Portal user, you have access to the payrolls of all the departments in your company. Based on your organizational structure, a department can represent a distributor, vendor or another similar entity.
The payrolls shown in the list are sorted department-wise and month-wise. Select the department and month for which you want to approve the payroll.
Upon clicking you will be able to see the trial balance for the specific month of that respective department, with the details of total earning and deductions of your department. At the bottom of the screen, you will also be able to see the comments that various users have added against that payroll along with the date on which they have been added.
By clicking on the “Payroll Detail” button on the top right of the screen you will be able to see the employee-wise payroll of that department for the selected month. Scroll to the right to see the various headers that make up that employee's salary. You can also download this report in excel format by clicking on the “download XLS” button on top right corner of the table. If you have reviewed the employee-wise salaries to your satisfaction, click on the “Back” button on the top-left corner of the screen to return to the trial balance, where you can give your comments or approval on the payroll.
If you wish to approve the payroll for that month, enter your comments in the comment box and click on Approved. If there are any errors, enter your comments in the comment box and click on Resubmit. The payroll will be sent back to the uploader along with your comments so that they can rectify and re-upload it. If you go back to the Payroll Approval screen, you will be able to see that the status of the payroll is now updated to either Approved or Resubmit. If you have sent it for resubmission, the status will be “Resubmit” until the uploader rectifies and uploads the payroll again. In which case the status will be changed to “Pending” again.
Besides this, by clicking on the “Status” field on the list screen, you can see the “Approval Queue” – meaning a list of various stakeholders who are required to take action on this payroll along with their approval status.
This provides the calendar view of the entire year with details of holidays and off days across different regions and countries. Detail of special meetings, performance management period, conference alerts, annual dinner and other special events can be edited and email reminders to line managers can be directly sent from here.
Setting Up Leave Policy
Follow these steps to create a leave policy setup:
- Identify the location of the office branch for this setup by selecting fields in the Geographical Setup section
- Start by clicking on thefirst field and selectingthe name of your company, the applicable market, cluster, sub-cluster, Country, City and Branch from the drop down menu options of each field.
- If you want the leave type to be applicable to all regions in your company, you can stop the selection at company.
Next is the Leave Type and Rules Setup section, the fields under this section will help you identify details of the type of leave you are going to set up.
- Click on Leave Type and select one from the options showing below. Based on the options you select, certain fields in the setup will be disabled. For instance, in case of Sick Leaves, carry forward options become disabled. In case of Paid Leaves, Half & Short leave options become disabled. Let's start by selecting a Sick Leave in Leave Type.
- Next, you can enter the name of the type of leave you are creating. This is what will be shown to employees while applying, andthis can be different from the leave type selected earlier.
- The Calculation Basis field is where you will select if this type of leave will be based on working days or on calendar days, selecting working days would mean that the entitlement you allocate will be in terms of Working days, and weekends will not count.
- Next, in the Duration field, select the checkboxes to choose if this type of leave could be taken for a full or half a day, or for a short period of time. All 3 options can be allowed at the same time in case of sick leave. However, in some leave types, like paid leaves, Half & Short options are disabled. If these are allowed, the next few drop-downs become enabled so that you can identify the rules for how Half & Short leaves can be availed. For instance, Half Leave Criteria & Short Leave Criteria both allow you to decide which part of the day these leaves can be taken. If they can be taken at any time, choose the flexible option. Secondly, Half Leave Duration and Short Leave Duration allow you to identify the maximum duration for which these leaves can be taken. You can even identify if more than one short leave can be taken in a single day.
- The Year End basis field allows the user to identify the period, starting from which the Leave Entitlement will be allocated. For example, if fiscal year is chosen, then the employee will be awarded their entitlement at the start of the fiscal year, and at the end of the fiscal year, this entitlement will be replenished. If the user selects Employee Year, then the Leave Entitlement is allocated to the employee on their date of Joining and the entitlement is refreshed every year on their date of joining.
- The Entitlement Carry Forward field allows you to identify whether you allow your employees to carry the number of leaves that were not availed in the previous year, forward into the next, by clicking on either yes or no from the options in the drop down.
- If you select yes, the next field titled the Carry Forward Limit field, will be enabled. Here, click and add manually the number of leaves employees can carry forward from the annual leave quota of the previous year.
- If you select "yes" in the Entitlement Carry Forward field, you can then fill out the Carry Forward Lapse field. This field will only be active if you allow employees to carry forward their unused leaves from the previous year. If you want to set a limit on how long these carried forward leaves can be used, choose "yes" in the Carry Forward Lapse field.
- In the Carry Forward Lapse Limit field, identify the time period after which the unused carry forward leaves would expire.
- This will enable the Carry Forward Lapse Period field. In this field, you can specify the timeframe during which employees can use their carried forward leaves. Once this time period is over, the carried forward leaves will expire, and employees can only use the leaves allotted for the current year.
- The Prorated Leaves field allows you to determine if employees who join the company after the start of the fiscal year will receive the full annual leave entitlement for the remaining period of that year. If “no” is selected, then the employee will receive the full leave entitlement upon joining. If “yes” is selected, the annual leave entitlement will be divided over each month, and the employee will only receive entitlement according to the remaining months of the year.
- Moving on to the Earned Leaves field, when you choose "yes" here, then employees will not be awarded their full entitlement altogether. Instead the entitlement will be divided by 12 and that divided amount will be awarded to the employee each month until the end of the year.
- In the Sandwich Rule field, you can choose an option from the drop-down menu to decide whether or not to apply the standard sandwich rule to this type of leave. Standard Sandwich rule means that if a weekend falls within the the dates of your leave, that will be counted as part of your leave and deducted from your entitlement. You can also select "Not Applicable" if the rule doesn't apply, or specify that it only applies if the leave is taken immediately before or after the weekend.
- The last row of this section starts with the Leave Encashment field. Here, you can choose whether to let employees can claim payment for their unused leaves at the end of the month. Simply click on the field and select either "allowed" or "not allowed" from the options provided.
- In the Apply Beyond Entitlement field, you can choose whether to let employees request additional leaves for the year. If you select "allowed," the Leave Undertaking field becomes active.
- In the Leave Undertaking field, you can decide if employees need to provide a formal agreement when requesting extra leaves, which would deduct leaves from their next year's quota and add them to the current year's leaves.
- If you select "yes" in the Show Entitlement field, the leave entitlement option will be visible in your employees' leave applications.
The Application Parameters section is where you can customize and set specific rules for leave applications. You can define parameters like the maximum number of leaves that can be taken per month or per week. These settings help regulate and control the leave application process.
- Let's start with the Document Required field. If the type of leave application you're setting up needs employees to submit a document, like a medical certificate for sick leave, you can check the box for "Yes." This will provide an option for employees to upload the required document during the application process. On the other hand, if the leave type doesn't need any document proof, such as emergency leave, you can check the box for "No."
- If you choose "Yes" in the Document Required field, the next field called Minimum Days will become active. Here, you can enter the number of consecutive leave days after which employees need to submit a document. For example, if you set the Minimum Days to 2, an employee taking sick leave for more than 2 consecutive days will have to provide a medical certificate on the third day. This field allows you to enter any number according to your company's policy.
- Next is the Apply Pre Fact field. Here, you can decide whether employees can apply for leave before actually taking it.
- If you choose "allowed" in this field, the Minimum Pre-fact Apply field will become active. In this field, you can specify the minimum number of days in advance employees can apply for this type of leave.
- Additionally, in the Maximum Pre-fact Apply field, you can enter the maximum number of days in advance employees can apply for leave. These two fields establish the time window for requesting leave before actually using it.
- In the Apply for Next Year field, you can choose whether to let employees request leaves for the next fiscal year in advance. If you allow this, leaves from the next year's quota will be deducted when used, even if they were requested and scheduled in the previous year.
- Moving on to the Applied Post-Fact field, you can choose whether to allow employees to apply for leave after they were absent without giving prior notice. If you allow this, employees who have already missed a whole day, half a day, or a short period of time can request leave for that or any day after that. However, if you don't allow this option, the missed working day will be marked as an absence.
- If you do allow post-fact leave applications, the Maximum Post-Fact Apply field will be activated. Here, you can specify the number of days within which employees can apply for leave after they have already missed a working day without prior notice.
- In the Leave Minimum Duration field, you can set the minimum number of days for which the employee can apply that leave. For example, in some companies employees can only avail annual leaves if they apply for 10 or more together.
- In the Maximum Consecutive Days field, you can specify the maximum number of consecutive days that employees are allowed to take leave at once.
- The Enforce Leave field helps you determine if employees are required by policy to take this type of leave during the fiscal year.
- If you select "yes," the Enforce Minimum field will be visible. In this field, you can specify the total number of leaves that will be mandated for an employee who hasn't taken any leaves so far.
- The Monthly Quota field lets you set the maximum number of leaves an employee can apply for within a month for this specific leave type.
- Similarly, the Weekly Quota field allows you to define the maximum number of leaves an employee can request within a week for this leave type.
- In the Maximum Annual Frequency field, you can specify how many times employees can apply for annual leaves throughout the year. For example, some companies allow Pilgrimage leave to only be taken once a year. In this case, the maximum annual frequency for that leave type will be One.
- In the Maximum Monthly Frequency field, you can specify the maximum number of times an employee can create an application for that leave type within a month.
- The next is the Reasons section, here you add various pre-defined reasons for taking that leave. The employee will have to choose from one of these options when creating the application. These are free text fields, to enter a reason click on the plus sign with the Add Reason field and enter in the text box that appears.
The final section is the Eligibility and Entitlement Setup section. This is where we determine what amount of leaves different types of employees are entitled to.
- Let's start with the Eligibility subsection, which has multiple criteria and condition columns with a row underneath. To begin, click on the first field called Criteria 1 and choose an option from the drop-down menu. This field allows you to select employment type, band, department, or designation.
- Next, under the column titled Condition 1, specify the condition for the selected criteria. For example, if you choose Employment Type as Criteria 1, the options under Condition 1 will show you different employment types like permanent, contractual, or part-time. You can select a specific employment type or choose "select all" to apply the entitlement to employees of all employment types. If you choose a specific option, like permanent employee, in the Condition 1 field next to Criteria 1, then the selected entitlement will only apply to permanent employees. Once you have created a combination of Criteria& Conditions, use the last field to enter the entitlement for that leave type. In this way, you have now identified that Permanent Employees in your organization are entitled to this number of leaves.
- You can add as many criteria as you need to. For example, you can add Tenure as the next criteria and choose 3 months as the corresponding condition. Now you have configured the policy such that Employees whose Employment status is permanent, and Tenure in the organization is 3 months, will be entitled to this number of leaves. Add more columns to add new criteria to further customize this policy.
- To create a new entitlement set for other types of employees, add a row below by clicking the button labeled “Add eligibility & Entitlement.”
- The last step to set up this application is to change its status in the Status Field. Simply click on the drop-down menu and select "active." Once done, click the update button at the bottom of the section. This will create an entry in the Leave List section at the bottom of the screen, showing the Leave Title, Leave Type, Calculation Type, and the Entitlement number.
- If you need to make any changes to this application later on, you can always go back to it by selecting the update option from the bottom of the list. From there, you can modify the necessary details.
- You can also reset and re-enter all details for this application by clicking on the Reset option at the bottom of the last section of this screen.
We will show you how to apply for leave from the employee portal
Use your credentials to login to your People i account. Then click on Employee Portal. From the main dashboard showing on your screen, go to the HR Services tab. Click on Attendance and Leave. Then select Apply Leave.
This is the Apply Leave application screen. On the left side of the screen, you will find the application section where you enter your leave details. On the right side of the screen, there is a table showing the status, history, and total count of leaves available for each leave type.
To start the leave application process, first, click on the Apply Leave field. From the drop-down menu, select the type of leave you want to apply for. In the next field, choose the duration of your leave from the available options in the drop-down menu.
Select "full" for a whole working day.
Choose "half" for half of a working day.
Opt for "short" if you only need a few hours off on a working day. (Note: The duration options may vary based on the selected leave type. For example, if you choose Annual Leave, you can only select a full-day duration.)
Next, you'll need to specify the timeframe for your leave application. In the "From Date" field, select the starting date of your leave period from the calendar that appears on the screen.
In the "To Date" field, select the last date of your leave period from the calendar.
If you have chosen a different type of leave, such as emergency leave, and selected "short" as the duration, additional time fields will appear.
Use the "From Time" field to indicate the starting time of your leave duration, and the "To Time" field to specify the ending time.
When you click on either of the time fields, a clock will appear on the screen. You can use this clock by dragging and adjusting the clock hands to select the desired time.
Next is the "Attach File" field, where you can add a document to support your leave application. If, for instance, you're applying for a long medical leave, you may need to submit a medical document like a prescription. To attach the document, save it on your device beforehand and then click on the paper clip icon to upload it.
In the next field, choose the reason for your leave from the options in the drop-down menu. Then, in the "Brief Reason" field, briefly explain why you need to take the leave.
Please remember that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. You must complete these fields in order to submit your leave application.
The next section is for Contact Details During Leave. Your saved details will be automatically filled in, but you can edit them by clicking on each field and entering new information if needed.
Once you have filled in all the necessary details, click on the "Submit" button to send your application to your line manager.
At the bottom of your screen, in the Leave Applications section, you will find the details of the leave application you submitted. Here, you can see the status of your application, whether it has been approved, disapproved, or if your manager has requested changes. This section will keep you updated on the progress of your application.
The Violation column in this table indicates if your leave application follows the company rules. For example, if your company requires you to apply for annual leave at least two days in advance, the Violation column will show 'yes' if you submit the application on the same day as the leave start date. It helps you understand if there are any rule violations regarding the timing of your leave application.
If you click on the pending status of your application, you will see the Approval queue details. It shows your line manager's name who will review and decide on your application. You can also check the status of your application and see whether it has been approved or disapproved, the action date, which is when it was approved or disapproved, and your line manager's comments.
If you click on the application name, you will be taken to another screen where you can view your leave details, approval details, and the history of all your applications.
We will guide you through the process of approving, disapproving, or requesting resubmission for a leave application using the line manager portal.
A line manager can approve or disapprove a leave application, or request the applicant to resubmit the application with changes. To do this, use your credentials to login to your People i account and enter the Line Manager portal.
On the main dashboard of your line manager portal, a notification for an application will appear under the Updates and Notifications section. You can click on this notification to go directly to the application. Another way to access leave applications is to go to HR Services. Then Attendance and Leave. Next click on Leave Applications.
Once you access the Leave Applications screen, you will see a table displaying all the leave applications submitted by your subordinates.
At the top of the table, there are four filters named Application Type, Employee, Department, and Branch, along with an option called No Grouping. These filters can be used to sort and find specific applications from the list of ungrouped requests.
Once you access the Leave Applications screen, you will see a table displaying all the leave applications submitted by your subordinates.
At the top of the table, there are four filters named Application Type, Employee, Department, and Branch, along with an option called No Grouping. These filters can be used to sort and find specific applications from the list of ungrouped requests.
The Application Type filter helps you search for applications based on the type of leave. When you select this option, you will see a list of submitted applications categorized by the name of the leave type. The applications count indicates how many applications have been submitted for each leave type, while the applicants count shows the number of employees who have applied for that leave type. For example, if two of your subordinates have applied for annual leave, the applications count will be two, and the applicants count will be one since it's the same employee.
The Employee filter allows you to organize applications based on employee names. By selecting this filter, you will see a table displaying the applications grouped by employee names. The applications count indicates how many applications each employee has submitted, regardless of the leave type.
The Department filter helps you view the number of applications submitted from each department. When you use this filter, you will see a list of department names along with the total count of applications submitted by employees from each department. If a department name is not listed, it means that no applications have been submitted from that department.
The Branch filter allows you to sort and view leave applications from different branches. It shows the total number of applications submitted (Applications Count) and the total number of applicants (Applicants Count) for each branch. If you click on a branch name from the list, you will see a detailed list of applications from that branch. This list includes employee names, leave type, dates, application status, and violation status.
The No Grouping filter displays all leave applications in a default order, showing one entry for each application without any specific grouping. If you have this filter selected, you can choose multiple applications by clicking on the check sign next to each entry. To approve them all at once, click on the "Approve" button located at the top right corner of the list.
Alternatively, you can use the "My Queue" and "Status" filters at the top right corner of the list to access specific applications.
The "Status" filter allows you to search for approved, disapproved, or pending applications. Simply click on the "Status" filter, choose an option from the drop-down menu, and the applications will be rearranged accordingly.
The "My Queue" filter helps you find applications from employees who report directly to you or are part of your reporting line's second level.
This is how you can use these filters to consolidate and group leave applications, and find targeted applications.
When you click on an entry, you will see the details of that leave application. The top left section of the screen displays employee information, while the Leave Detail section provides information about the leave itself. The top right section shows the applicant's leave balance, and the section below displays the application history.
In the Approve Details section, you can enter your comments about the application after reviewing it. This section shows the status of the application. If the LM status field shows 'pending,' it means you have not yet responded to the application. Use the LM comments field to enter your comments, and the date field shows the date of your review and response. You can also see the status of the HR regarding this application.
Once you have reviewed the application and entered your comments, you have the option to approve, disapprove, or request resubmission by clicking on the corresponding options at the bottom of the section. Alternatively, you can choose to cancel and respond to the application later
If you approve the application, it will be marked as 'approved' and the employee will be notified.
If you disapprove the application, it will be rejected and the status will be shown as 'disapproved'.
If you request the applicant to make changes and resubmit the application, the status will remain as 'pending' and a notification will be sent to the applicant. Remember to mention the necessary changes in the comments before clicking the resubmit button.
We will show you how to apply for Attendance Correction using the employee portal.
Use your credentials to login to your People i account. Then click on Employee Portal. From the main dashboard appearing on your screen, go to the HR Services tab, Now click on Attendance and Leave and from the options below, select Apply Correction.
You have now landed on the “Attendance Correction” screen. Here, we will use the first form available on the top of the screen to send in your attendance correction application. Start by choosing the date for which you would like to update your attendance data. Once the date is selected, the recorded time-in and time-out for that date will appear on your screen. If you select a date where no attendance has been recorded, your time-in and time-out fields will remain empty.
Now, using the “Time-In Correction” field to select what was the actual time that you arrived in your office on that day. When you click on this field, a time selector pop-up will open. Use the clock to select the hour and minute of arrival along with whether it was AM or PM. Click on “Ok” to save the information. Now, in the “Time-Out Correction” field, select the actual time on which you exited office on that day using a similar clock. Click “Ok” to save the information. In the “Brief Reason” field, enter an explanation as to why you think your attendance was not recorded correctly. For instance, you may enter that your office's Biometric or Facial Recognition Attendance Machine was not working. Click submit to send the application to your Line Manager for approval. Your attendance for that date will only be updated once your Line Manager approves it first and then it is approved by your HR Department.
At the bottom of the screen, you can see your previously submitted applications and can also see the approval status for an application. On the right side of the screen, you can see a summary of all applications submitted within a month along with their status.
We will see how to approve an application that has been received for Attendance Correction from the Line Manager Portal
To begin, enter your credentials and click login. From the options appearing on the screen, click Line Manager Portal. Now, from your dashboard, go to the HR Services tab Click on Attendance & Leave. Then click on Attendance Correction.
You have now landed on the Attendance Correction Screen. At the bottom of the screen, you will be able to see any applications you have received. To respond to an application, click on it.
You will now be able to see the details of the application including who has submitted it and what is the time-in and time-out they would like to record for that given date.
As the line manager, you can either approve or disapprove the application as per your preference and also enter comments against it. You can also change the time-in or time-out using the available fields to match them to what you think the correct time-in or time-out is. Once the necessary changes have been made, click on approve. It is important to note that Final Approval from the HR Department will be required before the employee’s attendance data will be updated on record.
We will show you how to approve an application that has been received for Attendance Correction from the HR Portal as well as the additional features available to HR to execute attendance correction.
To begin, enter your credentials and click login. From the options appearing on the screen, click HR Portal. Then, from your dashboard, go to the HR Services tab. Next click on Attendance & Leave. Now click on Attendance Correction.
You are on Attendance Correction Screen now.
At the bottom of the screen, you will be able to see any applications you have received. To respond to an application, click on it.
You will now be able to see the details of the application including who has submitted it and what is the time-in and time-out they would like to record for that given date. You will also be able to see their Line Manager’s comments on the application as well as what time-in or time-out has been suggested by the Line Manager.
As the HR user, you can give final approval or disapproval on the application as and also enter comments against it. You can also change the time in or time out using the available fields to match them to what you think the correct time-in or time-out is. Once the necessary changes have been made, click on approve. Once you have approved the application, the attendance record for that employee will be adjusted successfully. The Attendance Correction application submitted by the employee is now officially closed Besides this, HR can also independently execute attendance correction, even if an employee has not submitted an application. Simply enter the employee code in the table on the right side, along with the date and correct time-in and time-out for that date and click submit.
Further, you can also update attendance data in bulk for multiple employees using the csv upload file. Simply click on download template to access the template for this. Open the file and enter the employee ID, date, Correct time-in and time-out. Save the file as a C.S.V. and then upload it to the Attendance Correction Screen. When you Click on submit, attendance records will be uploaded for all the mentioned employees without any need for applications or approvals.
We will show you how to mark and view attendance from your phone using the People-i App
Download the application from App Store or Google Apps by entering People i in your search bar. Remember to enter a space between People and i.
To Sign In, click on the People-i app and enter the login details provided by your HR Department
From the options appearing on your screen, select ‘Employee portal’
You have now entered the Employee Portal. Displayed on the screen is your personal dashboard with four icons on the top row. Click on the first icon labeled ‘Attendance’
Remember! You need to turn on Location Services on your phone to mark your attendance. You can do this by going to your phone settings.
If you are marking your attendance from a remote location, which is any working site other than your office like a client's office, your home or anywhere in the field, select "At Remote Location" before pressing Time In.
If you are present at your office, select "At My Office"
Click Time In and the application will record the Date, Location and Time of your attendance
You have now successfully marked your attendance!
Click on Time Out by the end of your day to make sure your hours have been recorded accurately.
To check your attendance records, go back to the dashboard and click the View Calendar button located at the bottom of your screen.
A color-coded calendar will display your monthly attendance records with each color representing a different event, like absent, late, public holiday and more.
Click on any date to find what the color indicates.
Now, if you are a Line Manager and wish to see your team's attendance records, you need to switch to the line manager portal. To do this, click on the Switch Account button on the top right corner of the dashboard.
From the options appearing on your screen, select LM Portal.
Under the Updates and Notifications section, click on the calendar icon
This will show you a map with the various locations that your subordinates have marked their attendance on that day.
The lower section of the screen gives you a consolidated view of all the employees present on that day. Employees that have marked their attendance at the office are shown in this section and those who have marked their attendance at a remote location are shown in this section.
The color of the circular border around the employee's picture shows whether the employee marked their attendance on time or late.
Clicking on any individual employee will zoom in on their location and show their time in and time out details
The attendance record can even be shown in a list form by clicking on “List View”.
You can view your employee's individual attendance calendar by clicking on the “View Attendance” Button.
Alternatively, this can be accessed through the menu on the Dashboard Under HR Services, Attendance & Leave and then clicking the Calendar icon.
Choose an employee from the list to see their calendar.
To View an overall combined report of your employee's attendance, go to the main dashboard and scroll down to the bottom. Click on View Attendance Report. This shows all the employees absent or on leave on that day. It even shows the reason the employee has given if they applied for a leave.
And that's how you can mark and manage your team's attendance using People-i
Learn how to create an Expense Setup from the HR portal using the HR Services module.
To start, log in to your People-i account. Click on the HR portal. From your main dashboard, click on the HR services tab. From the options appearing below, click on Expense. Then select Expense Setup.
From the Expense Setup screen, which is divided into Five sections. We will set up one type of Expense at a time using these fields. And once it is saved, that Expense type will become available to your employees. In the same way, you can create as many types of Expenses as you need.
In order to create an Expense type, we will start from the Geographical Setup. The fields in this section identify the location or the office that this Expense Type is being created for. First is the Company field, click on this field to select the company that you are setting up this expense type for, from the drop-down menu. Similarly, you can use the Market, Cluster, Sub-Cluster, Country, Province, State, City or Branch fields to identify if this Expense Type is applicable to a specific location. If it is applicable for the entire company, use the multi-select feature to select all the values in Market, Cluster and Sub-Cluster. Similarly, you can select the “All” option in the country, province, city and branch drop-downs.
Next is the Expense Type and Rules Setup section; the fields in this section will be used to identify the general information and rules related to that expense. Firstly, select the Expense Type. This is the general category in which the expense you are about to create will fall in. In the next field, enter the Expense Title. This is the name of the Expense you are creating, and will be shown to your employees, Line Managers and all other users to identify this expense type. So choose it carefully according to your policy.
The “Show Entitlement” field determines whether the entitlement or limit for that expense should be visible to employees who are applying for that expense. The actual entitlement amount for the expense will be configured later in this tutorial, however, if you wish to hide the entitlement amount from your employees, select “No” in “Show Entitlement.” If you want them to be able to see the amount, they are entitled to for that expense type, select “Yes.”
Similarly, the “Apply Beyond Entitlement” field allows you to determine whether an employee should be allowed to apply for an expense that exceeds his entitlement. If you select “No” then the system will not allow the employee to submit such an expense application.
The “Pro-Rated” field allows you to decide whether the entitlement for that expense will be granted to the employee altogether or if it will be divided into a monthly amount and earned every month. If you choose “Yes,” then every year, total entitlement of that employee will be divided by 12 to calculate the monthly entitlement which will then be granted to the employee with every passing month. If you select “1st Year,” then this case will only apply for up to one year from the employee’s date of joining. If you select “No” then your employees will be able to apply for the entire year’s entitlement within the first month.
Next is the “Reimbursement Type” drop-down – this will be used to select the mechanism in which entitlement will be calculated and has 3 options. Regular, Slab-Based and Salary Based.
If you select “Regular,” then the expense entitlement will be determined simply based on what is defined in the “Eligibility & Entitlement” Section at the bottom of the screen, which we will discuss later in the tutorial.
If you select “Slab-Based,” the system will open a section titled Slab Setup. This set-up allows you to determine the percentage of the expense amount that will be reimbursed to the employee based on how high the amount is. For example, you can define if the expense amount ranges from 1 to 100 USD, the employee can apply for reimbursement of 50% of that amount. However, if the expense amount ranges between 101 to 200 USD, the employee can apply for reimbursement of 20% of that amount. These are called “Slabs.” You can click the “Add Slab” button to create as many “Slabs” as you require. Notice that whenever you add a new slab, the lower limit of the slab is equal to 1USD plus the upper limit of the previous slab, making sure that your ranges do not overlap.
The third option available in Reimbursement type is “Salary Based.” This will allow you to link the entitlement of an expense to the employee’s salary. By clicking on “Salary-Based” the following drop-down field titled “Salary Type” will be activated with four options. If you select “Annual Basic,” this means that the employee’s entitlement for that expense will be equal to his Annual Basic Salary. So, for instance if the employee’s monthly Basic salary is 100 USD, selecting this option will cause his entitlement to be 1200 USD. Similarly, if you select “Annual Gross” the system will check the employee’s Monthly Gross Salary from his profile and multiply it by 12 – the result will be the employee’s entitlement for that expense type. You can also select Monthly Basic or Monthly Gross in case you would like that employee’s annual entitlement for that expense to be equal to one month’s Basic or Gross Salary. We will work further on setting up employee expense entitlements later in this video.
Next is the Expense Type and Rules Setup section; the fields in this section will be used to identify the general information and rules related to that expense. Firstly, select the Expense Type. This is the general category in which the expense you are about to create will fall in. In the next field, enter the Expense Title. This is the name of the Expense you are creating, and will be shown to your employees, Line Managers and all other users to identify this expense type. So choose it carefully according to your policy.
The “Show Entitlement” field determines whether the entitlement or limit for that expense should be visible to employees who are applying for that expense. The actual entitlement amount for the expense will be configured later in this tutorial, however, if you wish to hide the entitlement amount from your employees, select “No” in “Show Entitlement.” If you want them to be able to see the amount, they are entitled to for that expense type, select “Yes.”
Similarly, the “Apply Beyond Entitlement” field allows you to determine whether an employee should be allowed to apply for an expense that exceeds his entitlement. If you select “No” then the system will not allow the employee to submit such an expense application.
The “Pro-Rated” field allows you to decide whether the entitlement for that expense will be granted to the employee altogether or if it will be divided into a monthly amount and earned every month. If you choose “Yes,” then every year, total entitlement of that employee will be divided by 12 to calculate the monthly entitlement which will then be granted to the employee with every passing month. If you select “1st Year,” then this case will only apply for up to one year from the employee’s date of joining. If you select “No” then your employees will be able to apply for the entire year’s entitlement within the first month.
Next is the “Reimbursement Type” drop-down – this will be used to select the mechanism in which entitlement will be calculated and has 3 options. Regular, Slab-Based and Salary Based.
If you select “Regular,” then the expense entitlement will be determined simply based on what is defined in the “Eligibility & Entitlement” Section at the bottom of the screen, which we will discuss later in the tutorial.
If you select “Slab-Based,” the system will open a section titled Slab Setup. This set-up allows you to determine the percentage of the expense amount that will be reimbursed to the employee based on how high the amount is. For example, you can define if the expense amount ranges from 1 to 100 USD, the employee can apply for reimbursement of 50% of that amount. However, if the expense amount ranges between 101 to 200 USD, the employee can apply for reimbursement of 20% of that amount. These are called “Slabs.” You can click the “Add Slab” button to create as many “Slabs” as you require. Notice that whenever you add a new slab, the lower limit of the slab is equal to 1USD plus the upper limit of the previous slab, making sure that your ranges do not overlap.
The third option available in Reimbursement type is “Salary Based.” This will allow you to link the entitlement of an expense to the employee’s salary. By clicking on “Salary-Based” the following drop-down field titled “Salary Type” will be activated with four options. If you select “Annual Basic,” this means that the employee’s entitlement for that expense will be equal to his Annual Basic Salary. So, for instance if the employee’s monthly Basic salary is 100 USD, selecting this option will cause his entitlement to be 1200 USD. Similarly, if you select “Annual Gross” the system will check the employee’s Monthly Gross Salary from his profile and multiply it by 12 – the result will be the employee’s entitlement for that expense type. You can also select Monthly Basic or Monthly Gross in case you would like that employee’s annual entitlement for that expense to be equal to one month’s Basic or Gross Salary. We will work further on setting up employee expense entitlements later in this video.
Next is the Application Parameters section, you will use the fields in this section to identify the different rules that will be observed when creating an expense application.
The first is the Document Required option. Select one of the checkboxes to choose if this type of expense application requires the attaching of a supporting document by the applicant.
In the Apply Pre-Fact field, select allowed if you would like to allow your staff to apply for an expense before it has been incurred. Select “Not Allowed” if they can only apply for the expense after it has been incurred. If you select “Allowed,” the next two fields will become activated. The “Minimum Pre-Fact Apply” field is used to define how many days before the expense is incurred should it be applied. For instance, if it is set to “4,” this means that the employee needs to apply for the expense 4 days before it will be incurred. Otherwise the system will not accept the application. Similarly, the ‘Maximum Pre-Fact Apply” field determines the maximum number of days an expense can be applied in advance. Meaning if this is set to “10” the employee cannot apply for the expense more than 10 days before it is going to be incurred.
In the Apply for Next Year field, if you select “allowed” from the drop-down menu, employees are able to apply for an expense whose date falls in the next fiscal year. If you select “No” the system will not allow the employee to apply for such an expense.
The “Apply Post-Fact” field determines whether an employee is allowed to apply for an expense after it is incurred. If it is set to “Not Allowed” the employee cannot apply for an expense that is already incurred. If it is set to “Allowed,” an employee can apply for the expense even after it has been incurred and the next field “Max Post Fact Apply” will be activated. This field determines the maximum number of days an employee can apply for reimbursement of an expense after it has been incurred. For instance, if this is set to 4, the employee can apply for reimbursement up to 4 days after the expense has been incurred. If he tries to apply after that, the system will not allow him to do so.
In the Monthly Quota field, you can specify the maximum number of times that an employee can apply for this particular expense type within a given month.
In the Weekly Quota field, you can specify the maximum number of times that an employee can apply for this particular expense type within a given week
In the Annual Frequency Field, you can decide if you would like to limit the number of times an employee can apply for that expense type in a year. If you select “Limited,” the following field will become activated. In the Maximum Annual Frequency field, you can specify the maximum number of times that an employee can apply for this particular expense type within a given year.
Moving on to the “Reasons” section. Here, you can pre-define the reasons that employees can select when submitting this expense application. These reasons will be shown to the employee when he is creating the expense application and he will have to select one. In order to define these reasons, click on the text bar provided in this section and enter one reason. You can add more than one reason by clicking on the plus sign titled ‘Add Reason’ and entering text in the new text bar that shows.
The last section on this screen is the Eligibility and Entitlement Setup section. In this section, you can define the total entitlement of that expense that will be awarded to an employee based on which category they fall in. For instance, if you select “Department” in the criteria field, the corresponding condition field will be populated to show various departments of your company. If you select “IT” you will be able to define the expense entitlement for all employees in that department. This can also be done for specific designations, bands, employments types and more. If you would like to award the same entitlement to all employees, select “All” in the condition fields. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will select “All” for each criteria.
The last 2 fields of this section are used to define the actual entitlement.
You will be able to select the criteria for eligibility and entitlement in this section only if you select ‘Regular’ in the Reimbursement Type field in the Expense Type and Rules section. The first field is used to select the Type of entitlement and the second field is used to define the amount. The values available in the first field are also determined by the selection you had made in the “Reimbursement Type” field. If you had selected “Regular,” the two options available will be “Reimbursable” and “Fixed Amount.”
If you select “Reimbursable” the next field will be populated with the option of various percentages. If you select 100%, this means you can define that if an employee falls within the selected criteria, he is entitled to apply for 100% reimbursement of that expense. Choose the most suitable percentage as per your policy.
Alternatively, you can select “Fixed Amount,” in which case, the next field will be used to enter the fixed amount that the employees falling within that criteria are entitled to. Meaning if you select 500, the employees in the selected group is entitled to apply for a 500 USD for that expense.
Now, if you had selected “Slab-Based” in the reimbursement type field and added the required slabs as discussed earlier, only the “Slab-Based” option will be available in this field. Once that is selected, the next field allows you to choose the maximum slab that an employee falling within the mentioned criteria can apply for based on the slabs added above.
Alternatively, if you have selected “Salary-Based” in the “Reimbursement Type” field, then the “Salary Reimbursable” option will become enabled in the first drop-down. The second field will now be used to define what percentage of their Salary an employee can claim. For instance, if you have selected “Monthly Basic” salary in the “Salary Type” field, the next field will define if the employee can claim 50% of their basic salary, 100% of their basic salary or even 200% of their basic salary or more.
You can click the “Add Eligibility & Entitlement” button to add as many entitlements sets as you need if you would like to give a different entitlement to different groups. To illustrate the example, we will set the reimbursement type back to regular and select fixed amount. Now, using the Criteria and Condition fields, select Band 5. Use the last field to define the entitlement for an employee falling under Band 5. For instance, 500 USD.
Now, if we want to allow a different entitlement for an employee in Band 6, we will click on “Add Eligibility & Entitlement,” and from the Criteria & Condition options, we will choose band 6. The rest of the criterias & conditions will be set to all. Now in the last fields, choose “Fixed Amount” and 250 USD. This now means that employees falling under Band 5 are entitled to apply for 500 USD under that expense and employees in Band 6 are entitled to apply for 250 USD under that expense. The same methodology can be applied to all types of entitlements or reimbursements.
Lastly, there is one case where the “Eligibility & Entitlement” section becomes irrelevant. This is in case of Mileage Expense. If “Mileage” is chosen in the Expense Type field, a new section labeled Mileage Expense Setup will appear. In this case, the entitlement will be defined based on “Mode of Transport.”
For example, if we add “Car” as mode of transport, we can define whether the employee can apply expense based on a fixed amount or distance. If we select Fixed Amount, the system will allow us to enter the maximum amount in the following field. If we select “Distance,” the following fields become enabled and we have to enter the “Per Unit Rate” for the entitlement along with the currency. We will have to select the unit of measurement, which will either be Miles or Kilometers and we can also define the maximum number of miles or kilometers for which the employee can apply for reimbursement. In this way, we can add an unlimited number of transportation options and entitlements for different modes of transport like motorbikes, trains, taxis or more.
Once you have completed the form, click on “Save” and that Expense Type setup will be saved in the system and appear in the list of saved setups below. You can refresh the page and start creating a new setup for a different type of expense, and if at any point you want to edit a previously created expense type, simply click on the types appearing below. Its setup will become populated in the screen above and you can make any changes to it and save it again.
The expense types appearing at the bottom of the screen are those which will be visible to your employees based on their entitlements.
We will show you how apply for an expense application from the employee portal, and how to approve or disapprove an expense application from the line manager and HR portal.
First, download the People-i from the Google Play Store or the App Store by entering People-i in the search bar. Remember to leave a space between people and i. Once you have downloaded the app, enter your credentials to log in and select the Employee Portal. What you see on your screen now is the Employee Portal Dashboard. In order to create an expense application, click on the third icon labeled “Apply Expense”.
This will take you to the Expense Module, where you can add multiple expenses within an application. However, all expenses added within a single application must be of the same currency.
Therefore, before you can proceed to adding expenses, select the currency from the drop-down menu appearing at the top of the screen.
Once you have selected a currency, the “Add Expense” button at the bottom will become enabled. Click on it to add your first expense.
In the “Date” field, enter the date on which the expense was incurred.
Next, in the “Expense Type” field, you will be able to see a list of the different types of expenses you are entitled to apply for, based on your company policy. Select the Expense type for which you would like to apply for reimbursement. Based on your selection, the app will show your entitlement for that expense type based on your company policy. A different entitlement will be shown for each expense type. For instance, if you select mileage expense, you can see the different types of entitlements based on different modes of transportation.
However, if you select Airfare, the app is showing that you are entitled to a 100% reimbursement of the incurred expense. Again, these are just examples of general setups, the actual entitlement is fully configurable by your HR department according to your company policy.
In the “Reason” field, you can select from a number of pre-defined reasons for which the expense was incurred. These are defined by your HR department.
If none of the reasons match your requirements, select the “Other” field. This will open a text box where you can freely enter the reason.
Finally, you need to add the amount of the expense that was incurred. Then, In the final field you can attach any invoice, receipt or other supporting document as evidence for your expense. If supporting documentation is marked as mandatory by your HR department, you will not be able to save the application until you have added a document.
Once this is done, click on save. You will be taken back to the previous screen where you can see the expense that has been added along with the total.
Follow the same steps to add as many expenses as you like to the application. These will be accumulated on this screen and the total will be constantly updated to show you the total amount being applied in the expense application.
Once all expenses have been added, click on Submit. The application has now been sent to your Line Manager for approval.
To see the status of any previously created applications, click on the “Status” button in the top bar. You can use the bar below to see any Pending, Approved or Disapproved applications.
To see the status of any previously created applications, click on the “Status” button in the top bar. You can use the bar below to see any Pending, Approved or Disapproved applications.
Send Notification screen
This screen is used to identify the employees the notification needs to be sent to and generate a notification.
- In the Recipient Criteria section we can identify which group of employees will be receiving this notification. This can be done for a specific company, location, department, designation or band. Simply select the relevant option and the following filter’s values will be populated based on the previous selection. If for any filter you would like to select All options, simply leave that dropdown empty. For example if you want to send the notification to employees in all departments, choose the relevant locations and then leave the department filter empty.
- In the first field of the Notification Settings section, you will see that there are three categories for the medium that you want to use to send a notification to your employees. The notification that you generate from here can be sent to your employees in the form of an email, a text on their mobiles or a notification on their portal. From the options shown, select one or more by clicking on the check box next to it. You can select all options at once to send the notification through all three mediums.
- Next is the Notification Type field. If you want the message to be targeted towards a specific group of employees, then select Multi-cast. If you want the notification to be sent to all employees in the organization, select Broadcast.
- Next is the Notifications Date and Time field. From here you will need to firstly chose if you would like to send this notification immediately, if that is the case then select the option Now and move to the next field. If you would like to set a different date that the notification needs to go out, click on the Schedule on Date option and this notification will be sent at a standard-set time, which is 12 am, on that day.
- After you click on this option, select from the calendar of the Date field under and the date for that notification will be set. If you would like to set a separate date and time for the notification to go out, click on the Schedule on Date and Time option and the time field under will be enabled. After selecting this option, select from the calendar from the date field under and then identify the time of sending the notification from the Time field by clicking on the clock symbol and selecting from the clock that appears on your screen.
The next is the Notification Message section; here you will see that there are two text boxes.
- The first test box is where you will enter the subject of the notification that you are sending out.
- In the second text box enter the main text of the notification.
The Notification Settings section at the bottom of the screen will show you the total count of the target receivers. These are individuals that we selected in the Receiver Filter Criteria section. If you would like to remove an employee from receiving this notification you can click on the View and Edit option next to the count and edit the list that shows by unchecking the boxes before each employee’s name and details. You will see that the Target Receivers Count has changed. After this, click on submit and notification will be sent or scheduled.
The Notification History tab is used to view a record of any notifications sent from your portal.
- Every time a new notification is generated and sent from your portal, a new entry will be made recording the details, such as category, type date, status and receiver count of that notification.
- You can also access this tab to check if the status of a pre-scheduled notification. Once a scheduled notification is sent out, the status in its record in this tab will change to ‘completed’. If you click on any of these entries, a smaller screen will open showing you other details, such as text and schedule date, of that notification.
- On the top of this screen are filters that you can use to view the history of targeted notifications. You can search by identifying a specific date from the date filter, by selecting whether that notification was a multicast or a broadcast, or if it was sent as an email or a mobile text from the message category filter and search. A list of filtered entries will show on your screen.
We will show you how to apply for an appraisal from your Employee Portal using the Performance Management module.
To apply for an appraisal of any kind, you will first have to sign in to the people-i software. Use your credentials provided by your HR department to login and enter the Employee Portal.
If your line manager has already launched an appraisal application and your name has been included in the list of employees who have qualified for the appraisal, you will receive a notification in the Updates section of your main employee dashboard. You can click on this notification to go directly to the application.
Another way to access the application is by going to the Performance Management Tab from your main employee dashboard, and then selecting “Appraisals”.
Once you enter the appraisal window, you will see a table that contains one or more entries of the types of appraisals set by your line manager or the HR along, with the details of the name of appraisal in the first column, the type of appraisal, which could be an annual or a monthly appraisal in the second column, the launch date of the appraisal, which signifies the day that the appraisal was generated, in the third column, the due date marking the last date of application submission in the forth column, and the fiscal year for which the appraisal is applicable, in the last column.
Click on any appraisal that you would like to apply for and enter the application window to start the application process.
This is the main Appraisal Evaluation form; the tabs located under the title are the components that make up the entire appraisal process. Click on each tab one-by-one and enter the details in each tab to complete the process.
Start by clicking on the Achievements tab and use the fields shown in the form of a list to enter your major achievements throughout the year. Add one achievement in the first field and the second achievement in the second field. To enter additional achievements, click on the plus sign on the top and continue to enter as many achievements as you like. Once you have completed this, click on the next button and you will be taken to the tab titled 'What’s'.
If, at any time, want to temporarily pause this process and enter the rest of the details at a later time, you can save this form as a draft by clicking on the Save Draft button at the bottom.
The 'What’s' tab is where you identify how well you believe your performance was of the goals identified for you at the start of the year. On this screen you can see the various Key Accountability Areas and their weightages that were defined by your line manager in your job description, and the goals under each Key Accountability Area along with the individual weightage given to each goal.
Click on the drop-down-menus under the Self Rating column and select a rating for each Key Accountability Area. Do this for each Goal on the screen, and you will see that the Weighted rating is generated automatically for each goal.
To provide a brief explanation of the selected rating for each key Accountability Area, go on to the Employee Comment Section and enter your comments that your Line Manager will be able to view during their evaluation of your performance.
If you decide to give yourself a 1 or 3 rating, it is compulsory for you to add comments against that goal, justifying why you have chosen this rating.
After you have selected a rating for each Key Accountability click on the next button located at the bottom of this window. Next in line is the 'What’s' tab.
Displayed on this screen are the various competencies allocated to you based on your band and department that were communicated to you on joining the organization. Here, similar to the What’s section, against each competency is its individual weightage and fields for self rating. Click on the drop-down menu next to each competency under the Self Rating column to provide your 1, 2 or 3 rating based on the option that best describes your performance. You can also add comments against each competency here.
Again, if you select a rating of 1 or 3, you will be required to provide a brief explanation, justifying that choice in the employee comment section.
Once each competency has been rated, click on next and you will be taken to the Training Needs tab.
Here, enter the training requirements that you believe are necessary for you. You can add one or more than one training need by clicking on the plus sign located on the top of this section. After entering these fields, click on next and you will be taken to the Final Comments tab.
In the final comments section, you can enter any additional comments or remarks for your Line Manager or HR manager to view. After this, click on the next button to go to the next tab.
The Appraisal Summary tab presents the information gathered from the completed appraisal application, combined to provide you with a final summary. It also displays the calculation of your final score by combining all ratings and weightages. Make sure to view the summary of the appraisal to recheck all details before clicking on submit.
Press the submit button and the application will be sent to your Line Manager. Once your Line Manager conducts their evaluation of your performance, the application will be sent back to your employee portal where you can view and accept your ratings. Once this is done, the appraisal will be submitted to HR, who will then finalize and complete the application. Furthermore, if you go back to the appraisal applications section, you can check the status of your subordinates’ applications. These applications are saved in the Line Manager Portal and can be accessed at any time.
We will show you how to fill Appraisal Evaluation (LM) Form from your Employee Portal using the Performance Management module.