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We will show you how to apply for Attendance Correction using the employee portal.

Use your credentials to login to your People i account. Then click on Employee Portal. From the main dashboard appearing on your screen, go to the HR Services tab, Now click on Attendance and Leave and from the options below, select Apply Correction.

You have now landed on the “Attendance Correction” screen. Here, we will use the first form available on the top of the screen to send in your attendance correction application. Start by choosing the date for which you would like to update your attendance data. Once the date is selected, the recorded time-in and time-out for that date will appear on your screen. If you select a date where no attendance has been recorded, your time-in and time-out fields will remain empty.

Now, using the “Time-In Correction” field to select what was the actual time that you arrived in your office on that day. When you click on this field, a time selector pop-up will open. Use the clock to select the hour and minute of arrival along with whether it was AM or PM. Click on “Ok” to save the information. Now, in the “Time-Out Correction” field, select the actual time on which you exited office on that day using a similar clock. Click “Ok” to save the information. In the “Brief Reason” field, enter an explanation as to why you think your attendance was not recorded correctly. For instance, you may enter that your office’s Biometric or Facial Recognition Attendance Machine was not working. Click submit to send the application to your Line Manager for approval. Your attendance for that date will only be updated once your Line Manager approves it first and then it is approved by your HR Department.

At the bottom of the screen, you can see your previously submitted applications and can also see the approval status for an application. On the right side of the screen, you can see a summary of all applications submitted within a month along with their status.

We will see how to approve an application that has been received for Attendance Correction from the Line Manager Portal

To begin, enter your credentials and click login. From the options appearing on the screen, click Line Manager Portal. Now, from your dashboard, go to the HR Services tab Click on Attendance & Leave. Then click on Attendance Correction.

You have now landed on the Attendance Correction Screen. At the bottom of the screen, you will be able to see any applications you have received. To respond to an application, click on it.

You will now be able to see the details of the application including who has submitted it and what is the time-in and time-out they would like to record for that given date.

As the line manager, you can either approve or disapprove the application as per your preference and also enter comments against it. You can also change the time-in or time-out using the available fields to match them to what you think the correct time-in or time-out is. Once the necessary changes have been made, click on approve. It is important to note that Final Approval from the HR Department will be required before the employee’s attendance data will be updated on record.

We will show you how to approve an application that has been received for Attendance Correction from the HR Portal as well as the additional features available to HR to execute attendance correction.

To begin, enter your credentials and click login. From the options appearing on the screen, click HR Portal. Then, from your dashboard, go to the HR Services tab. Next click on Attendance & Leave. Now click on Attendance Correction.

You are on Attendance Correction Screen now.

At the bottom of the screen, you will be able to see any applications you have received. To respond to an application, click on it.

You will now be able to see the details of the application including who has submitted it and what is the time-in and time-out they would like to record for that given date. You will also be able to see their Line Manager’s comments on the application as well as what time-in or time-out has been suggested by the Line Manager.

As the HR user, you can give final approval or disapproval on the application as and also enter comments against it. You can also change the time in or time out using the available fields to match them to what you think the correct time-in or time-out is. Once the necessary changes have been made, click on approve. Once you have approved the application, the attendance record for that employee will be adjusted successfully. The Attendance Correction application submitted by the employee is now officially closed Besides this, HR can also independently execute attendance correction, even if an employee has not submitted an application. Simply enter the employee code in the table on the right side, along with the date and correct time-in and time-out for that date and click submit.

Further, you can also update attendance data in bulk for multiple employees using the csv upload file. Simply click on download template to access the template for this. Open the file and enter the employee ID, date, Correct time-in and time-out. Save the file as a C.S.V. and then upload it to the Attendance Correction Screen. When you Click on submit, attendance records will be uploaded for all the mentioned employees without any need for applications or approvals.

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