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Payroll Information (Pi) is comprehensive Human Resource (HR) software offering a complete e solution to the HR and employee needs of an organization and its everyday requirements. Its service umbrella offers companies a solution to their recruitment, compensation, employee services, performance management, conduct and analytic requirements. A modern day strategic HR manager wants to be free of all the tedious paper work and not worry about filling the daily records for necessary reference in employee files. Pi is a dream come true for a Strategic HR Manager. Pi provides tailored solutions to small, large and mid-sized firms.

This document is a user guide designed to help those who are using the fully functional HR software named Pi. The audience of this book is primarily be the HR Manager but several chapters will be addressing the employee, the Finance Head, the Line Manager and CEO.

This user guide is written by Sumble Butt, she is a Masters in Economics & Management from LSE and has worked as Senior HR Manager at several multinationals including Warid, PEOPLE and Techlogix.

The document is the sole property of PEOPLE TM and any unauthorized use of it is prohibited by the Law.

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